Resources for Facilitators
Monday Night Mindfulness/ Opening Heart Sangha
Monday Night Procedures
6:15-6:45 (on 1st Monday of month only) – Newcomers Orientation
6:45 – Set up for sitting
7:00 – Begin sitting (3 LARGE bells)
7:20 – End sitting (1 LARGE bell)
7:20 – Begin Walking meditation (1 small bell to stand up, 1 sm bell to bow in, 1 sm bell to turn left and bow and begin walking)
7:30 – End walking (1 sm bell to signal last time to walk around the circle. )We stop when we get to our original seats.
7:30 – Begin 2nd sitting (optional: 3 LARGE bells)
7:45 – End sitting (1 LARGE bell)
[NOTE: It helps with sound to turn the AC fans on (not the AC unless you need it) during the sitting and walking meditation. Please remember to turn it off during the sharing]
WELCOME: Welcome to the Monday night mindfulness group at Circle Yoga. This group operates based on the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, but all mindfulness traditions are valued and welcomed. We have a newcomers orientation every 1st Monday of the month, and on the 4th Monday of the month we will discuss the 5 mindfulness trainings.
INTRODUCTIONS: To introduce ourselves, we can go around and give our first names, where we’re from, and whether you are new to the group. Our tradition is to join our palms together and bow before giving your name.
FORMAT: This evening we will [have a reading, listen to talk, share the 5 MT, etc]. When we are finished, we will have the chance to share with each other about how it might relate to our own practice.
Reading, Practice, or Recorded Talk.
DHARMA DISCUSSION: Now we have a chance to share with each other about this topic or anything else that’s on your mind or heart tonight
(1) If you’d like to share, please join your palms, and bow into the group. The group will recognize you with a bow, and then you are free to share for as long as you like. When you have finished sharing, you can bow again, signaling that you are through. You may like to give your name before your sharing.
(2) Between offerings, we can all enjoy a few breaths before the next person bows in.
(3) Avoid responding to another person’s sharing directly, or giving advice, even if it’s asked for... instead we share from our own hearts, our own experiences. Your sharing doesn’t have to be prepared, you can simply share spontaneously whatever is on your heart. Please speak from “I” rather than from “you”.
(4) Please be mindful of time when you are sharing so that everyone has the opportunity to share something.
(5) Please listen wholeheartedly to each sharing, and remember that everything is confidential, and after we leave tonight we refrain from speaking about another person’s sharing to them or anyone else without getting their permission.
(6) From time to time the facilitator or bell master may invite the bell to allow us a chance to breathe and give space.
(7) If no one chooses to speak, we can enjoy the silence and our breath together.
8:20 – Last Call: Dear Friends, we are almost out of time. If you haven’t yet shared and would like to share, or if you have something that you really want to share, now is the time to do it.
8:30 – CLOSING: Our time is up. Are there any announcements?
EMAIL LIST: If you’d like to be on our email list, please add your name to the email list located ….. OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS?
DANA: Please contribute to the dana basket if you are able. Dana means generosity. 50% of the money we take in will go to Circle Yoga to support the room use, and 50% will go to charities, some to the Stillwater Mindfulness Practice Center, and some to support Thich Nhat Hanh’s work.
Please feel free to stay and chat until 9 pm.
CLEAN-UP: Please put all cushions, mats, and blankets away and be sure that all trash is picked-up. Turn off lights, close windows, and turn heat or AC to recommended level on thermometer. Please be sure to leave the studio by 9 pm so that you don’t get locked out of the dressing rooms.