Our solidarity practice for the month of May 2021

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If you joined OHMC recently, you may not have known that last year, prompted by the  inequalities that the Covid exposed, we dedicated the month of May to the practice of generosity.  We practiced generosity both individually and as a community, by becoming a Second Body with the women helped by Nueva Vida (New Life).  Each Monday, our facilitators chose topics related to the practice of generosity.  We invited members to contribute Dana to Nueva Vida, and all Dana received by OHMC in June was donated to Nueva Vida.  

This was a powerful community effort: we practiced generosity, we shared how this practice affected us and we raised $4,000 for Nueva Vida.  At the time, Nueva Vida created a short video to thank us, and you can enjoy their video here.

This was OHMC’s first community effort of this kind, and it had an  important impact on Nueva Vida and on OHMC.  

For Nueva Vida, the money was needed during this difficult time, and the warmth, openness and connection underlying it was felt by a group that often is unseen  by people who are, relative to them, so very privileged.  For OHMC, many sangha members enjoyed our practice (read about it in this Mindfulness Bell article) and wanted to build on this experience and continue to practice generosity, as a community, with groups outside of OHMC.  

To continue with this kind of practice, we formed a group to coordinate this effort called the “Engaged Practice Working Group” and invited sangha members to join.  If you would like to join this group, please email us (our email addresses are below).  

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Based on last year’s experience coupled with recent learnings about the impact of sustained giving for recipient organizations, we will dedicate the month of May in 2021 to a fundraising and awareness campaign for our second body, Nueva Vida.  After a year of the pandemic, it is clear that the pandemic has had both a disproportionate and deeper impact on Indigenous, Black and Latinx people. The pandemic highlighted the unjust and inequitable access to healthcare across this country: the very people who have, through their hard and risk-filled work, allowed many of us to shelter in place have also had the least access to COVID testing and vaccines.

We ask you, our dear sangha members, to donate to this amazing organization and support them in the important work they are doing to help the Latinx community.  You can donate to Nueva Vida here (all donations made to OHMC in May will go to Nueva Vida).  Also, please share information about the work of Nueva Vida with your contacts.

During May, we as a sangha, will explore the topic of solidarity. We believe that those who work in solidarity become more open to understanding the conditions of inequity that are created by the dominant culture.   

As Doshin Nathan Woods in his article in Lion´s Roar article “The Path of Solidarity” shares:

“Typically defined as a sentiment or expression of mutual support, solidarity can be equally understood as an act of collective or shared responsibility. Solidarity in this sense is expressed in the Buddhist notion of karuna, or “active sympathy,” the conduct of “bearing the pain of others.” Often translated as compassion—suffering with others—karuna is central to all of the Buddhist traditions and involves aspiration, training, and perfection of conduct. While prajna, the wisdom of clear seeing, is a defining feature of the bodhisattva path, it is the embodiment of karuna that defines enlightened activity. Karuna opens one to relationships of collective responsibility and to meaningful expressions of solidarity.”  Read about the Path of Solidarity here. 

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This year, our goal is to deepen our second body practice and to raise $5,000 for Nueva Vida. In addition to raising funds, sangha members will have an opportunity to meet with Nueva Vida’s survivors and staff. Specifically, we would like to welcome them, practice deep listening and recognize their experiences and offer our support, our work and solidarity to benefit the Nueva Vida community. Initially, we will meet via Zoom, and later, host a picnic, so that we can get to know each other and learn about their experiences.

To date, your solidarity and generosity have made, and continue to make, a difference in this world. We invite you to practice with us throughout the month of May.

“Mindfulness must be engaged. Once there is seeing, there must be acting. Otherwise, what is the use of seeing?” — Thich Nhat Hanh, Peace is Every Step

Please join us!

Donate to Nueva Vida by clicking below (all donations made to OHMC in May will go to Nueva Vida).

With love and a deep bow,

Adriana, Camille and Marie (on behalf of the Engaged Practice Working Group)

PS If you are curious about this group and/or would like to join us, please email Adriana, Camille, or Marie.