Study and Receive the Five Mindfulness Trainings with Us

Dear friends,

The Five Mindfulness Trainings represent the vision of all our spiritual ancestors for a global spirituality and ethic. They are a concrete expression of a path of wisdom and true love, leading to healing, transformation, and happiness for ourselves and for the world. To practice the Five Mindfulness Trainings is to cultivate a way of life which can remove all discrimination, intolerance, anger, fear, and despair. Following this way of life, we are not lost in confusion about our life in the present or in fears about the future.

Each January there is an opportunity to be part of a ceremony for those who would like to take these Trainings to their hearts and practice them with the support of a practicing community.

The ceremony will be held online on Saturday morning, January 7, 2023 to transmit the Trainings.  

Class series are offered in preparation for receiving the trainings.

The series’ are being offered by Still Water Mindfulness Practice Center on Thursday evenings (more info here) and the Mindfulness Practice Center of Fairfax, also on Thursday evenings (more info here.) 

Six Thursday Evenings
November 3 - December 15, 2022

For questions about the ceremony or the classes, reach out to Annie at