Monday evening sittings at 7:00 - 8:30pm ET include a shared sitting / guided deep relaxation, mindful movements, a short dharma talk, and dharma sharing.
We meet in-person on Mondays every other week.
Wednesday morning online sitting at 7:00 - 8:00am ET include a shared sitting, mindful movements, a short dharma talk, and dharma sharing.
We meet in-person on Wednesdays every other week.
Friday noon in person and online (hybrid) sitting at 12:00 - 1:00pm ET include a shared sitting, mindful movements, a short dharma talk, and dharma sharing.
We meet in person and online (hybrid) on Fridays every week.
Safety and Security in Zoom
To prevent these security breaches within our sanghas, we have implemented several Zoom security features.
These features mean that you will experience a few more clicks getting into a meeting. You will be asked for your email and name, so we can monitor who is coming in and out of the meetings. We hope it won’t be much of an inconvenience.
Please note for the security of our sangha, it is important to ensure each of us display our full name while we are in our video meeting. If we see anyone who has joined the call with an alias or just a phone number, we will give that person an opportunity to confirm their identity. If the person does not respond, we will need to drop them from the call. Again, this is for the purpose of keeping our community safe and secure.
If anything unusual occurs during the sangha meetings, you can always feel free to Leave Meeting (bottom right of your screen) and rejoin after a few minutes.
May you and all beings be well,
OHMC Care Taking Council (CTC)
Questions or comments?
All are welcome to reach out to us.