"Go back and take care of yourself. Your body needs you, your feelings need you, your perceptions need you...Go home and be there for all these things." - Thich Nhat Hanh
Retreat registration is closed.
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If you have questions about the retreat, please email info@openingheartmindfulness.com
2018 Spring Retreat - Wellspring Conference Center
In a safe and joyful environment, this weekend retreat offers mindfulness practices in the Plum Village tradition, including rest, reflection, and renewal. Participants will explore ways to cultivate inner wisdom and joy for greater healing and transformation, individually and collectively. During these times of intense divisiveness, there is also intense change. How do we hold this with understanding and love?
The retreat includes mindfulness practices: mindful breathing, mindful sitting, mindful walking, mindful eating (with some part of the meal eaten in silence), mindful speaking and listening, ceremonies and rituals for healing, mindful movement and yoga, deep relaxation, quietude, small and large group reflection and dialogue.
REFUND POLICY: Full refunds will be given up until 2 weeks before the retreat (March 22, 2019). After that date, no refunds will be given.
ACCESSIBILITY: Retreat spaces are accessible and accessible rooms are limited for this retreat. To inquire about availability, please contact retreat coordinator, Camille Martone at: cmartone@martoneconstruction.com
CARPOOLING: Carpooling options will be available. An email will go out to all attendees one week before the retreat, which will include a link to a website that allows you to offer to be a driver or join a carpool.
Retreat Leader: Valerie Brown
Valerie Brown
Valerie Brown, Afro-Cuban descent, was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. She is an international retreat leader, writer, leadership coach, and Principal of Lead Smart Coaching, LLC, specializing in application and integration of mindfulness in daily life. She is an ordained Dharma teacher in the Plum Village tradition and a member of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). Her books include, The Mindful School Leader: Practices to Transform Your Leadership and School (Corwin, 2014). She leads an annual pilgrimage to El Camino de Santiago, Spain, to celebrate the power of place.