Meet me here
where silence roars
where stillness is dancing
where the eternal is living and dying.
Meet me here
where you are not you
where you are It
and It is unspeakable.
There are many pathways to stillness. Pathways that bring us back to what lies underneath the thoughts, emotions, and stories. Underneath and behind all of the movements of the inner and outer world, there lies it. It is unspeakable.
There is an inner yearning, or a voice that calls “meet me here”. It calls us to return to stillness, to spaciousness, to what is always there. As Adyashanti writes, it is a place or space “where you are not you, where you are it.”
The practice of mindfulness is a practice of letting go. The “here” that he writes about may be too esoteric or distant. We can bring this “here” closer in order to let go of the idea of striving to reach the all encompassing “here”, “where silence roars where stillness is dancing.” Part of here is the state of mindful awareness. The awareness that we are breathing in and out. The awareness that emotions and thoughts are moving through our bodies and minds. Meet me hereis the call to the present moment to light the lamp of mindfulness. Thich Nhat Hanh teaches and reminds that:
We have a lamp inside us, the lamp of mindfulness which we can light anytime. The oil of that lamp is our breathing, our steps, and our peaceful smile. We have to light up that light of mindfulness so the light will shine out and the darkness will dissipate and cease. Our practice is to light up the lamp.
Thich Nhat Hanh, Your True Home
Here exists on many levels. When we light the lamp of mindfulness, the darkness of delusion is seen clearly and overcome. The call of Meet me herecalls us to pause before we speak, or to put away our phone in order to eat or walk in mindfulness. The call of Meet me heresteers us towards our cushion, to sangha and to retreat.
This Monday night we have the opportunity to share about how we each experience the call to awareness, to stillness and silence.
You might like to drop these questions into your consciousness--
When did I first feel, and hear the call to mindfulness, to stillness, and silence?
What is my present experience of my Meet me here voice? When does it arise, to what does it call me?
Where and when do I feel and experience thehere that Adyashanti writes about?
I look forward to our time together.
Meet Me Here
by Adyashanti
Join me here Now
where there are no points of view.
slip under good and bad
right and wrong
worthy and unworthy
sinner and saint
Meet me here
where everything is unframed
before understanding
and not understanding
Meet me here
where silence roars
where stillness is dancing
where the eternal is living and dying.
Meet me here
where you are not you
where you are It
and It is unspeakable..
Meet me here where all points of view
merge into a single point
that then disappears.
Meet me here
before there ever was something
before there ever was nothing
Meet me here
where everything speaks of this
where everything has
always spoken this
where nothing is ever lost or found
Meet me here