Deep Relaxation, Mindful Movements, Right Action

Mick will lead our sangha Monday Nov 2.

Here we are on the eve of one of the most anticipated and hotly contested elections of our lifetime. On the eve of election day, which may likely become election month, how vital it is that we come together to practice. With the suffering of recent years, compounded by the suffering from deep historical wounds, our minds and bodies have been so busy holding and processing strong emotions.. Many in our sangha have taken great skillful action to raise awareness of inequities, and to ensure the democratic process. Mindfulness practice and Thich Nhat Hanh’s teachings have greatly influenced these skillful actions and engagement. In his book Creating True Peace, he shares that he started “reflecting and writing on the possibility of Engaged Buddhism in the 1950’s “ (94).  His writings in the 1960’s focused on social service and Engaged Buddhism in a time of war and social injustice. He knew that he and other activists had to go out and help, but “would become exhausted if we did these things without nurturing our spirit” .(95)

He reminds us that :

Knowing when to rest is a deep practice. Taking care of our body is an important practice. We need our body to be healthy in order for us to practice. Mindful Movements and Deep Relaxation can support our health and happiness in the practice, and keep us in touch with our body. Practicing Mindful Movements and Deep Relaxation allows us to listen deeply to our bodies. We learn to be gentle with ourselves and to give ourselves space to understand and to grow. 

While we take actions and learn and grow in our own ways, rest is essential.

This Monday night we will practice a guided deep relaxation followed by mindful movements. This is a time to let go, be gentle with ourselves, reset and recharge.

During our dharma sharing we will have time to reflect on these questions and your practice of mindfulness

  • What have you been doing to take time to pause, and to rest in order

              to take care of your body and mind?

  • What do you turn to when you feel strong emotions related to the election?

For both of these questions

  • What practices would you like to continue with or add in the weeks and months ahead?

I look forward to our time together.
